How to Write a Journal

How to Write a Journal
In this article: Start writing a journal and write a great journal
Keeping a journal is a creative form for recording your feelings, and this article is free from fear of judgment or criticism. Writing a journal can also help deal with complex issues in your life, explore them thoroughly and openly. It can also be a way to release stress, rather than accidentally venting undigested feelings to others. See Step 1 below to start your own journal.

Start Writing a Journal
Look for media to write journals. People usually write journals as they really are, physical journals - small notebooks. You can use the cheap with a spiral or choose a better, hard cover notebook. But nowadays there are various choices in digital form. Any computer program that allows you to enter and save text is also a potential journal - conventional Word programs can also be used, as well as free cloud-based writing programs such as Google Scholars.
If you are looking for a computer-based option for journals, you might want to consider creating a blog - that is, an online journal submission site that can be read by others. A variety of free blog sites are also available, some of which allow you to control who can and cannot read your blog.
Start your first journal by preparing for its opening. Before writing a journal, give your first paper a title, date and time if desired. For example, you start with "Monday, January 1, 1:00 a.m., Bed". Next start by writing greetings if you want. Many journal writers use "Priscilitaaguilar Journal" or the same greeting to start each article. This can be done or not, passed away to you.
Start writing! Let your emotions flow! There is no right way to write a journal - the feeling that you feel at that moment should be written. With regard to topic issues, don't limit yourself - there are no topics that cross the line. Feelings, dreams, people you like, family life and many more topics that you might want to explore. Or, if you are feeling mediocre, you can tell the day's activities! Spend your heart's content through a pen or keyboard. Express your true feelings on paper - don't hesitate to do it.

It should be noted, when you start writing a blog and then want to truly express your feelings completely, consider your readers. You may need to distill your thoughts that are too intense or personal.
Run a routine. Journal will be better if it is filled every day. Writing allows you to keep notes continuously and continuously about your thoughts and feelings. So keep writing! It's easy to lose heart after a few enthusiastic initial notes, but keeping a journal will be very useful if you can make it a routine.
Generally journal authors add notes every night before going to bed. This is a healthy routine because it allows the writer to rest and relax at the end of the day by "freeing" the emotions that settle.
Reread your past notes for contemplation. Why write your mind if you never intend to read it? Taking a few moments at a time to see the results of your writing will be very useful. You might be surprised to know how you feel in the past! The ability to judge past thoughts and emotions objectively because they are separated by time can give you an understanding of how to live your life in the future.
* Use your writing in the past to reflect on your current life. As you read, ask yourself questions like, "Am I still the same person who wrote this note?", "Is my life going as I expected?", And "What can I do to solve the problem that might bother me while writing this note? "
Season your journal in a personal style. Every writing in your journal must be as unique as "you". Unless you only write a journal solely to record empirical facts every day (miles that have been passed, tasks that have been completed, etc.), you can try to have fun while writing your journal! Add scribbles on the edges, song lyrics, movie reviews, or whatever you want - it's up to you!
Carry your journal on the go. If you don't have a diary, you can't write! Travel is one of the best moments to write a journal - the long days spent on planes, trains and cars offer many opportunities to write at length, and the unique experiences you often experience when traveling are truly begging for comments. Write a lot when traveling and be a constant observer - open your eyes and ears to new sensations and experiences so you can write them down.

The experiences you have while traveling can be the most influential in your life. Discovering the beauty of nature, meeting a friend in a distant place, and even just leaving home can shape you, so document these things!
Beautify the look of your journal. You can experiment when decorating your journal unless you want it to be as plain and simple as possible (a legitimate choice if you are worried that others will read it). The right way to do this is to die to yourself! For example your journal is a notebook, you might want to decorate the cover with a picture or sticker. On the inside, you might want to include photos, newspaper clippings, dried flowers attached, and more!
If you use digital journals, such as blogs, try adding photos to your posts, including links, and choose colorful templates.

Write a Great Journal
Describe your journal as a safe place to express yourself. Imagine that no one will be able to read it but you, unless your journal is a blog that is open to the public surfing the internet. The next time you want to display the journal, this will all depend on your choice again, but the journal is basically very useful, even if you never show it to others. Try to imagine your journal as a "safe haven" for your innermost thoughts. This is a place where you don't have to worry if your feelings are judged or humiliated, so you don't need to feel embarrassed when writing.
When you think of something, write it immediately. Generally people have deep thoughts that they "filter" when interacting with others. For example, if you meet a bad person on the street, you will never reveal that you think it is bad - instead, you choose which thoughts can be expressed and which thoughts you should keep. The trick to writing a good journal is to "reduce" or even "turn off" this filtering. Often - this becomes a difficult thing to do, because people generally do not have much experience doing it.

If you have difficulty turning off your filtering device, try writing "free form" to practice - scribbling your mind into writing in the form of the flow of thoughts that are currently arising in your mind, whether that makes sense or not.
Respond to your journal writing in the past. Even if you want each journal article to stand on its own, you might realize that your writing can be better if you explicitly refer to the previous notes. By seeking an explanation for why you wrote that in the past, you can reach a more mature understanding of your own emotions.
For example, were you in a sad mood when you wrote yesterday, but do you feel better now? Make a response about this! In this way, you can begin to understand why you felt the previous feeling.
Use writing instructions when you run out of ideas. Not every day there are interesting events. Writing will not always be easy. Instead of giving up on that day, try answering one of the hundreds (if not thousands) of journal instructions available online. A writing instructor sometimes uses journal writing for academic practice - when they do, they sometimes share writing instructions for practice online. A simple sentence like "journal writing instructions" on a search engine can produce dozens of interesting results. Use the tools you want to write a great journal consistently!
Through the clues you get, your writing might be venturing into exciting new areas that may have never been explored before. Become an adventurer and pursue new topics to your heart's satisfaction!
Learn from the experts! Many famous and very influential books are real journals of a person or works of fiction written in the form of journals. Both can help you become a great journal writer. Here are just a few of the works that might be a source of inspiration.

You should keep your journal a secret. It's better if no one reads your feelings and secrets.
It's better to write with a pen because pencils can fade.
Look for secluded and familiar places to write (for example, your bedroom with a locked door), but other remote places are also good. (Your backyard.)
If you want to write in school, make sure no one is watching. Choose a remote place to write.
Write to the end of your life. If you have finished a book, write another new one.
If you are a blog writer, lock your blog and save it for 'author blog only'.
Share journals with friends or relatives. Share secrets with them.
If you like writing, look for writing jobs that are widely spread on the internet, so that your hobbies can at the same time make money. One website that recruits article writers.