Write and Review on Scientific Journal

Write and Review on Scientific Journal
Scientific journals are publication magazines that contain KTI (Scientific Writing) which actually contain data and information that propose science and technology and are written in accordance with the rules of scientific writing and published periodically. (Judge, 2012)

Scientific journals must fulfill the following administrative requirements:
Have an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN).
Have a bestari partner of at least 4 (four) people.
Published regularly with a frequency of at least twice a year, except scientific magazines with specialized scientific coverage with a frequency of once a year.
Every time there is at least 300 copies of publishing, except scientific magazines that publish electronic e-journals and scientific magazines that apply online (online) with the same requirements as printed scientific magazines.
Contains the main article each time publishing at least 5 (five), in addition can be added with short communication articles that are limited to a maximum of 3 (three) pieces.
Sources of scientific data and information that are used as the basis for the preparation of KTI (scientific papers) such as scientific journals are writings that contain data and information that advance science and technology and are written according to scientific principles.

The KTI rules (scientific papers) consist of the following properties:
Logical, means sequential explanation of the data and information that enters into the logic of thinking the truth of science.
Objective, means that the data and information are in accordance with the facts.
Systematic, means the source of data and information obtained from the results of the study by following a sequence of thought patterns that are systematic or consistent / continuous R&D.
Reliable, means the data and information that has been tested and valid and is still possible to continue to be reviewed.
Design, means planned and has a design, and

Accumulative, means a collection of various sources whose truth and existence are recognized as well as contributing to the developing science and technology.

Want to write a scientific journal? Get to know these 5 sources of literature
The highest achievement in a scientific work is when it is published. With the publication of scientific journals not only as a prerequisite for accreditation but also enriches scientific literacy. Nevertheless in the publication of a scientific work there are several ethics that need attention. This was stated by Mikarajudin Abdullah in the Material of Writing Scientific Papers for Publication, including that, one research result may only be published once. Where the same article cannot be published in different journals or proceedings even though the writing is the work itself. If this is done it will be included in the category of self plagiarism.
One form of scientific publication is a journal. Not all research articles can be said to be scientific journals. A journal or also referred to as a scientific magazine must meet the following administrative requirements: (a) Have an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN); (b) Having a bestari partner of at least four people; (c) Published regularly with a frequency of at least twice a year, except scientific magazines with specialized scientific coverage, with a frequency of once a year; (d) Make a business every time a publication of at least 300 copies, except scientific magazines that publish an electronic journal system (e-journal) and scientific magazines that apply online (online) with the same requirements as the requirements of printed scientific magazines; and (e) Contains the main article each time publishing at least five, in addition can be added with short communication articles that are limited to a maximum of three pieces.
Before writing articles in scientific journals will usually do a literature review related to theory and previous research in accordance with the scientific field that is the problem of research. This method is called literature review, it aims at first, showing the research position reported in the article on other studies in the same field. Second, it provides a clear picture of what progress has been obtained from the research written in the article. Finally, it helps the reader make conclusions about the important contributions made by research in the written article (Samadhi, 2016).

To make it easier to do a literature review in writing a scientific journal, here are some resources you need to know:
Articles in Journals
The results of research that have been carried out, both field research and literature studies written with regard to agreed upon scientific principles. In the selection of scientific articles try to use the latest research results published in the last two to four years. To get the desired scientific journals, you can try to get relevant scientific journals through open source journal access such as journal finder, First Monday.

Seminar Proceedings
Basically the proceedings of the seminar are almost the same as scientific journals, the difference is the proceedings of the seminar are more the result of scientific conferences. Where papers from a scientific seminar are collected for later publication. Even so, the proceedings of a scientific seminar still have to go through an editing process and have an ISBN. Proceedings of the seminar or other scientific meeting are books which besides having an ISBN or ISSN also meet the following criteria: (a) There is an Editorial Team consisting of one or more experts in the appropriate field of science, and (b) Published and circulated as low as nationally.

As one source of literature, a book is a sheet that contains a discussion with substance in certain fields of science. Reference books can be in the form of the results of previous scientific research or can also contain the basic concepts of a field of science. The use of the book as a reference must also pay attention to the year of publication so that it remains relevant to the topic.

Thesis and Dissertation
There is a slight difference between a thesis and a dissertation. Where the thesis is often interpreted as one form of scientific writing which is a prerequisite in completing the Masters Program (S2). Meanwhile, a dissertation is a form of scientific work for doctoral education. As the Decree of Minister of Education and Culture No.212 / U / 1999 regarding the Guidelines for the Implementation of Doctoral Programs, states that the dissertation is an academic paper resulting from studies and / or in-depth research conducted independently and contains new contributions to the development of science or finding new answers to problems which while the answer is known or asking new questions on matters deemed to have been established in the fields of science, technology, and art performed by prospective doctors under the supervision of their supervisors. Apart from these differences, both of them are academic works that have not been published, so the results are not strong enough.

As a source of electronic literature, there are several things that need to be considered before using it as a reference so that it can be justified in scientific papers. Some of these conditions are: (a) Articles published by credible mass media portals; (b) Data or information recorded by the official website of the Ministry / Lemabaga / Local Government. For example data on the number of productive age population from BPS; (3) Blogs from experts who are experts in their fields; (4) Official website of an organization, both national and international, for example data on human rights violations according to Contrast or data from the World Bank website, WHO; (5) If you want to access an electronic journal, it is better to choose a journal that has an open access journal system.
In addition, there are several other sources that can be used as literature such as reports from government institutions, for example the profile of an area, data from the Ministry and news in print media such as newspapers and magazines. Let's start writing right now, happy writing !!
Are you currently or want to write a book? By becoming a writer of Adeline Barretta Scientific Journal book publishers, we publish your book for FREE. All you have to do is cover the cost of printing. Please fill in your details here. or you can directly submit the manuscript by following the following procedure: SEND A NASKAH
If you want to know more about writing a book you can see the following articles:
Writing Techniques: The Importance of Literature Review in Making International Scientific Journals
How to make a scientific journal: Getting to know an international scientific journal?
How to keep a journal: Scientific journal administration?
How to keep a journal: How to evaluate scientific journals?

Writing technique using Literature review is defined as a method of identifying, evaluating, and interpreting the work of others in certain scientific fields which is a research problem. This method can be applied in making international scientific journals.
Writing Techniques | By seeing this understanding, we can need to know more about the literature review, especially in making international scientific journals. What is the importance of literature review? Then how is this literature review carried out? To find out the answer, make sure you listen to this article.
Literature review not only provides a picture for many people regarding the delivery of research results. This study is used as a way to expose researchers' critical views of the problem being examined. In addition, literature review can be beneficial for researchers. By reviewing the literature, researchers will be facilitated in finding research problems.
Researchers can use this method to organize previous literature and evaluate it. He can find various things that are similar to the research he will do. The researcher can also find out problems that have not been studied in the results of the study he studied. This is an opportunity for new researchers to be more productive in finding problems that can be studied.
In finding literature, researchers should choose various research results or journals that are relevant to the research that they are likely to do. Researchers do not need to search too much literature to support their research. Next researchers can also evaluate the literature that will be examined. After organizing and evaluating, researchers can conduct analysis and synthesis.
There are several important things that can be done by researchers in evaluating literature review. Researchers can see the concepts, factors, and variables from previous research. Then he can see the relationship between these three things. The next writing technique, researchers can look back at the theories used in the literature. He can provide an assessment of the weaknesses or inconsistencies of the theories used in the literature. From here, the researchers began to work on their research for international scientific journals.
He can depart from the preparation of the concept by looking at the deficiencies of the literature used. He can retest or update theories, concepts, or other things that still lack evidence or conflict with scientific fields. Researchers can also see designs or methods that still contain errors. In addition, researchers can refine the results of research in the literature when given generalizations are limited and cannot be concluded. By looking at some of these things, of course researchers have a big hand in providing information or data updates. Researchers can make further contributions related to the research they are doing.