Definition and Purpose of Education

Definition and Purpose of Education in General
Understanding of Education
Understanding Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and learning process for students to actively develop their potential to have spiritual spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed by themselves and the community. Understanding Education can be interpreted as a conscious and systematic effort to achieve a standard of living or for better progress. Simply, Understanding education is a learning process for students to be able to understand, understand, and make humans more critical in thinking.
understanding of education - Etymologically, the word education in English is called education, in Latin education is called educatum which is composed of two words namely E and Duco where the word E means a development from the inside out or from a little more, while Duco means development or developing. So, etymologically the notion of education is the process of developing one's own abilities and individual strengths. Meanwhile, according to the Indonesian Dictionary, education is the process of changing attitudes and behavior of a person or group of people in an effort to mature humans through teaching and training efforts.
Then what is the meaning of education that has been endured by humans. According to the KBBI the word education comes from the word "educator" by obtaining an affix "pe" and the suffix "an", which means steps, systems or actions of educating.
The word education in language comes from the word "pedagogy" which is "paid" which means children and "agogos" which means to guide, so pedagogy is knowledge in guiding children. While in terms of the notion of education is a system of changing the attitudes and behavior of a person or group in an effort to mature humans or students through teaching efforts and courses.
understanding of education, Education can be obtained both formally and non-formally. Formally obtained education by following programs that have been planned, structured by an institution, department or ministry of a country such as in educational schools require a curriculum to carry out the planning of teaching. While non-formal education is knowledge gained from everyday life from various experiences both experienced or learned from others.

The Meaning of Education According to Members
The pursuit of education according to Ki Hajar Dewantara (father of Indonesia's National Education): According to Ki Hajar Dewantara, understanding education is a requirement in the life of children, however, the purpose of education is to guide all the strengths of the children, so that they human beings and members of society can achieve their highest safety and happiness.
According to Ahmad D. Marimba: The meaning of education according to Ahmad D. Marimba is the guidance or conscious guidance of educators in the development of physical and spiritual education towards the formation of the main personality.
Martinus Jan Langeveld: The sense of education According to Martinus Jan Langeveld that understanding of education is an attempt to help a child to be able to perform his / her own life tasks in order to be responsible. Education is an adult's attempt to guide the immature towards adulthood.
Gunning and Kohnstamm: Understanding education according to Gunning and Kohnstamm is a process of conscience formation. An ethical formation and self-determination that suits the conscience.
Stella Van Petten Henderson: According to Stella Van Petten Henderson, education is a combination of growth, personal development and social heritage.
Carter. V.Good: The sense of education according to Carter V. Good that education is the process of developing individual skills in public attitudes and behavior. A social process in which an individual is influenced by an organized environment, such as a home or school, that enables personal development and social skills.
Educational Testing Under Law No. 20 of 2003: The meaning of education under Law No.20 of 2003 is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning environment and learning process so that the learner actively develops his or her potential for spiritual spritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, virtuous behavior, and skills that is needed for himself, society, nation, and country.
Education Type According to the Indonesian Great Dictionary (KBBI): Education is an evaluation system for each individual to gain higher knowledge and understanding of specific and specific objects. The knowledge gained officially means that each individual has a pattern of thought, behavior and character that is appropriate to the education he has received.
Prof. Herman H. Horn He has an opinion that education is a system of higher adjustments for creatures that have developed physically and mentally that is free and aware of God as manifested in the natural, intellectual, emotional and determination of humans.
The definition of education according to Paper Unibrah Journal was concluded as an attempt to humanize young people or appoint young people to a human scale.

Educational Objectives
Based on Law No. 2 of 1985 which reads that the purpose of education is to educate the lives of the people and develop fully human beings who are faithful and devoted to God Almighty and virtuous character, have knowledge and skills, physical and spiritual health, a steady and independent personality and sense of responsibility nation's society.
Based on MPRS No. 2 of 1960 that the purpose of education is to form a true Pancasila based on the provisions desired by the opening of the 1945 Constitution and the contents of the 945 Constitution.
The Purpose of National Education in the 1945 Constitution (Amendment version) 1) Article 31, paragraph 3 states, "The Government seeks and organizes a national education system, which enhances faith and piety and noble character in order to develop the life of the nation, which is regulated by law. "2) Article 31, paragraph 5 states," The government advances science and technology by supporting the high values ​​of religion and national unity for the advancement of civilization and the welfare of humanity. "
Based on the law. No.20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System in article 3, that the aim of national education is to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe in and fear God Almighty, have noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and be democratic and responsible citizens.
Educational Objectives According to Unesco In an effort to improve the quality of a nation, there is no other way except through improving the quality of education. Departing from that thought, the United Nations (UN) through the UNESCO (United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) instituted four pillars of education both for the present and the future, namely: (1) learning to Know, (2) learning to do (3) learning to be, and (4) learning to live together. Where the four pillars of education combine the goals of IQ, EQ and SQ.

Evaluation of the curriculum and its implementation
Curriculum Evaluation
Friends of on this occasion we will discuss Curriculum Evaluation and Its Implementation, Evaluation is part of the management system, namely planning, organization, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The curriculum is also designed from the planning stage, the organization to the implementation and finally monitoring and evaluation. Without evaluation, it will not know how the condition of the curriculum in the design, implementation and results. This paper will discuss the notion of curriculum evaluation, the importance of curriculum evaluation and the problems faced in carrying out curriculum evaluation.

Understanding Curriculum Evaluation
In line with the diverse views of experts regarding the curriculum, so also their understanding of the understanding of curriculum evaluation. Therefore the term curriculum evaluation is often questioned. And hence demands a certain formulation and restrictions in order to facilitate understanding this issue. In Stufflebeam's view, evaluation is the process of delineating, obtaining, and providing useful information for making decisions and judgments about educational programs and curricula. [1] From here there are at least three important things that must be present in the evaluation process; first, judgment or setting a value. Second, there is a certain criteria that can be accounted for. Third, there is a description of the program as an object of assessment. [2]
Whereas Rutman and Mowbray defines evaluation as the use of scientific methods in assessing the implementation and outcomes of a program that is useful for the decision making process. In line with the above definition, Chelimsky defines evaluation as a systematic research method to assess the design, implementation and effectiveness of a program. [3] From the evaluation definitions above, it can be concluded that evaluation is the application of systematic scientific procedures to assess the design, implementation and effectiveness of a program.