Functions and Benefits of Scientific Journals

Functions and Benefits of Scientific Journals
In the current era of 2019 many talk about the Journal? in the scientific world or academic field certainly no stranger to journals. then what exactly is that journal? A journal is a periodic publication that contains a number of articles which are published regularly at certain intervals; usually monthly or 1/4 year and in some cases some are published annually. There are various types of journals that are produced and published in the world of journals. journals can be classified into:

Professional or Trade Journals
Popular Journals
Scholarly Journals
Professional or Trade Journals, journals targeted at specific professions or industries and may contain the latest news, opinions and practical advice about new products and reviews to inform readers about events in the industry or profession. Articles may be peer-reviewed and may include citations. Some examples are: The Bookseller, MediaWeek, and Advertising Age.
Popular Journals, contains news, feature stories and opinions and editorial pieces that inform and entertain readers. Articles are not peer-reviewed and are usually written in easy-to-understand language. They contain lots of advertisements, illustrations and glossy photographs. Uncommon quotes and bibliographies. Some examples of popular journals are Time, Vogue, Economist, People Magazine, etc.
Scholarly Journals, also known as refereed journals, peer-reviewed journals or academic journals are magazines that contain a number of articles that are published regularly at certain intervals. Their main goal is to disseminate knowledge and research new findings. They may also contain reviews and criticisms of studies and findings. Scientific journals can sometimes be identified by their titles. This may include words such as 'Journal', 'Quarterly', 'Review', 'Proceedings', 'Transactions', and can refer to academic disciplines or special fields of study. Some examples are: Publishing Research Quarterly, South African Journal of Science, Muttaqinfaisal Journal and the Journal of Science and Technology.
Thus the explanation of the journal. hopefully increase your understanding with the Journal.

Scientific journals are journals that contain a number of articles that are published regularly at certain intervals with the aim of disseminating new knowledge and research or findings. To distinguish whether a journal is a Scientific Journal or not, the following are the characteristics of a Scientific Journal:

Regular, periodic publications (e.g. monthly, quarterly)
discuss certain scope or subject / certain object
There are publication policies and guidelines for writers
There must be an International Serial Number Standard for journals (and sometimes a Digital Object Identifier for each article)
There is an Editorial Board and sometimes an Advisory Board
Original research (which also includes reviews, summaries, and opinions)
Content is usually delivered speculatively by the writer, rather than written by staff or assigned by an editor
Publication in print or electronic format or both
Peer reviewed (though some might not!)
The author comes from the academic, research and sometimes professional community (such as doctors, research scientists, lecturers)
Readers are usually also from the same party - for example doctors, research scientists, lecturers
Articles are usually detailed and consider deep topics, not superficial
Articles citing (= references) previously published material on the same topic
Content is "scientific" and there are extensive references to scientific information (reference lists)
There are few advertisements (although some journals have many ads)
International or regional - most international journals are sufficiently within the scope of their subject although many specialize in regional issues
Journals are archived, either in the library, or with specialist digital archives (eg Zambrut)
Compliance with international guidelines (for example on authors, ethics and presentations)

Indexes are tools, mainly used online or in the world of the Internet, which are used by researchers and librarians to find scientific content. Some indexes provide a list of journal titles, along with links and subject categorization.
The Open Access Journal Directory (DOAJ) is one of the most well-known list of journals. General indexes are useful for people who do extensive searches for the research content sought. Other indexes go further, and not only include a list of titles, but also make it possible to search for individual articles. Indexes are used for more precise searches, often based on keywords or subject terms. Web of Science (WOS) is a good example of major indexing services.
It is important to know that some indexes are freely available on the web (such as DOAJ), and that others (such as WOS) do not, and require fees to use (or must be accessed through your local library, which pays fees for you).
In addition, some indexes are indicators of success than other journals, and as a measure that reflects the quality of your publication.
So let's index our journals on the Zambrut Journal page.

In this article we will focus on scientific journals regarding the 4 functions of scientific journals. The Scientific Journal always deals with Science or the Study of Science as well as new findings in education and knowledge. Journal is said to be a Scientific Journal if it has the following functions:
Registration, Publish claims of priority science. The priority is to build the writer and ownership of ideas
Dissemination, Provides access to communicate findings to audiences seeking information from the journal in question.
Certification, give permission, or a sign of approval. this ensures journal quality control through peer review
Archival record, Maintain scientific records. It aims to set up a permanent storage system for published works so they can be accessed at any time in the future.
For Registration, that the journal does not have to accept duplication or copy material - the author has the right to establish "Copyright" in his ideas and research, and the journal must ensure that they respect it. and this also means that journals should not delay publication too much (and allow other authors to steal Copyright).
For Dissemination this means that the journal must ensure that the journal distributes the right content - printed copies are sent to customers efficiently, the website must work otherwise it weakens our scientific journals what else if the content is inaccessible.

Certification means that journals have an obligation to scientific information that applies quality criteria to everything that is published - to ensure that it does not constitute junk or fraud. This journal has a duty to protect readers, and also for writers.

Types of Editor in Scientific Journals
Goodnight blogger this time we will explain the types of editors in scientific journals, in scientific journal publications there are several editor terms that have different functions, for example:
Copy-editors (sometimes called Sub-editors): read and edit scripts, including correcting grammatical errors and checking references, and preparing scripts for typesetting. They also sometimes correct and set pages.
Technical editors: often overlap with copy-editors, but often do greater editing of scripts including rewriting for clarity and language
Editorial assistants: work in the editorial office, manage editorial system administration (sending, reviewing and accepting or rejecting processes)
Managing editors: are responsible for the movement of articles from submission, acceptance or rejection, they may be very senior and they also make some decisions on the rejection or acceptance of the journal
Editorial board members: are figures who represent journals in certain communities and sometimes review certain articles.
Advisory or associate editors: usually work closely with the editor-in-chief to help make decisions, responsible for the whole for a particular part of the journal
Associate editors or deputy editors: work closely with editor-in-chief, support decisions and assist strategies in the Journal
Editors-in-chief: the most senior editor with overall responsibility for journal content and editorial strategies - these are often referred to as "editors".

Standard Structure for Scientific Articles
Goodnight bloggers wherever you are. If you want your Scientific article to be a national standard Scientific Journal, International standards, what you should pay attention to is the standard structure. Articles published in scientific journals should follow a certain standard structure. Editors who want their journals to meet international standards must understand and work with this structure and writers must understand and stick to this structure if they want to be published in national and international journals. This structure may differ between disciplines and between journals in the discipline but there are acceptable standards in most fields and disciplines with a few modifications. The basic part or structure of each scientific article published in a scientific journal is:

Title (which must clearly indicate the subject, not be sensational)
Author (this must include all those who meet the authorship criteria according to ICMJE)
Abstract (not in all subjects, for example law journals often don't have this)
Keywords (these are becoming less common so they are specific to certain themes)
Text / body
Materials and methods (not all articles)
Results (not all articles)
Conclusions (may be part of the discussion)
References (must clearly provide all information to enable the reader to examine supporting evidence for the article)
Records (not common in scientific, technical or medical journals)
Acknowledgments (including mention of conflicts of interest on the part of the author)