How to evaluate scientific journals

How to keep a journal: How to evaluate scientific journals?
How to make a journal that is done need to pay attention to its assessment. Journal assessments need to look at several aspects.
How to make a scientific journal, there are several criteria that will be assessed. Before being published, in how to make a journal is done by studying and understanding the applicable regulations. This regulation can later be used as a basis for making scientific journals eligible for assessment or accreditation. Based on the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Education Regulation No. 22 of 2011 there are several criteria that must be met so that scientific journals can be accredited.
First, how to make a scientific journal must contain articles that are based on research results. Second, there must be an editorial board or a reputable editor journal who follows the process of making a journal. Third, the involvement of bestari partners from various universities and / or research and development institutions and industries from inside and / or abroad for how to make journals becomes important. Furthermore, scientific journals must be written and submit journal in Indonesian International Journal and / or the official language of the United Nations. The substance should be displayed according to the standard format. In addition, grammar and writing style must also follow the rules that are good and right.
More detailed rules related to how to make scientific journals and their management are listed in the Regulation of the Director General of Higher Education Ministry of National Education Republic of Indonesia No. 49 / Dikti / Kep / 2011. Based on these regulations, how to make a journal must be scientific or contain real articles containing data and information that advance the field of science and technology. Then the scientific journals are published at least six times (3 years if every year published 2 times, or 2 years if every year published 3 times). Frequency of periodic publishing a minimum of 2 times per year. Then the number of copies per publication is 300 copies. The number of articles in a journal is at least 5 (five) articles, except if there is monograph-shaped writing. Journal re-submission is 6 months before the accreditation period expires. Then if it fails to get accreditation, the journal can be submitted again at the earliest after 2 years.
Furthermore, there are a number of other assessment criteria including naming, publisher institution, editing, appearance, writing style, substance, finesse, and publication. The total assessment of all of these criteria is 100. Then how about the detailed assessment of scientific journals based on these criteria? To find out more in detail the scientific journal assessment criteria, we can listen to the review below.
In conducting analysis and synthesis, researchers can explain and differentiate theories that already exist in the literature. Next, he chose one of the most suitable theories for his research. Researchers also have the opportunity to make new theories. In this case the researcher will review the previous theory and challenge himself to improve the existing theory. This improvement can be done by looking at the latest theory developments and sharpening their use to solve new problems. Then he may make a combination of old theories that match his research and new theories.
In making international scientific journals, researchers will benefit from doing a literature review international journal published. They can use this method as a means of finding new ideas or comparing the research they will do with previous research. Similar to the author of the literature, the researcher can also help the reader to conclude important contributions from the results of his research. The author of the literature and the researcher will both be giving the picture to the reader to see the importance of a study conducted.
Writing techniques using Literature review are useful for a researcher to see the research position reported in the article. He can compare a literature with the results of other studies in the same field. Researchers will also find out how far previous researchers provide answers to the problems he has examined. Not only that, the scientific approach used, the theory developed, and the method of its resolution are also a benchmark for researchers to carry out their research. From the study of this literature then researchers will get an idea to carry out research.
Using literature review is very important for researchers in making international scientific journals. He will need it, not only to write the introduction, but also the discussion section. In this section the researcher will provide theoretical arguments for the results he obtained. He will compare the results obtained with the results of previous studies. In addition, he will also use citations for each argument he gets from the literature review.
In order to study the literature, researchers should continue to process and contribute in making international scientific journals. All he can do is start writing and learn from all the criticisms given to him. That way, he is able to build new ideas with strong arguments and make improvements to the parts that need to be refined. He will also give a new understanding to the public when contributing in making international scientific journals. In the results of his research, he will present the results of more up-to-date research to the public.
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There is a review of the detailed assessment of scientific journals, namely:
1. Naming
If a journal has a very specific name, the weighted value given is 3. Then a scientific journal with a name that is specific enough but extends to cover the field of science will be assessed with a weight of 2 points. Furthermore, journals with less specific names will be assessed with a weight of 1 point, while names that are not specific and / or use the name of the institution / location will only be rated 0.

2. Institutional publishing
Scientific journals published in scientific professional organizations will be worth 5. Then publishing through scientific profession organizations in collaboration with universities and / or research and development bodies will get a score of 3. In addition, scientific journals published by universities, research bodies and development, or a non-governmental publishing body will get a value of 1. Journals published by other publishers will get a value of 0.
In addition to the above details, there are also several disincentives that can reduce the assessment of scientific journals. First, journals that do not have an ISSN will get a score of -2. Then if there is a violation in the form of plagiarism there will be a score reduction of 10 points. If a scientific journal does not meet the mandatory requirements for retention and is not uploaded in the national electronic portal, the reduction in value is 3 and 4 points. Meanwhile, if the journal does not contain the author's photo, the journal value will be reduced by 1 point.
From the calculation results based on the details above, we will get the final score. If the journal gets a value of more than 85, the accreditation given is A. Then if the value ranges from 70-85, then the journalized journal B. Finally, accreditation C is given for journals that score less than 70.
Thus the article entitled How to Make a Journal: How to Evaluate Scientific Journals? May be useful.
Types of Scientific Journals

Based on regulations in force in Indonesia, scientific journals can be divided into 4 classes, namely national journals, accredited national journals, international journals, and reputable international journals. Here is each explanation:

1. National Journal
National journals are periodical scientific journals that meet the following criteria:
Scientific work is written in compliance with scientific rules and scientific ethics.
Have ISSN.
Has an online version.
Professionally managed: accuracy of the scale, availability of writing instructions, journal identity, etc.
Aims to accommodate / inform or publish the results of scientific research and / or scientific concepts in certain scientific disciplines.
This journal is aimed at the scientific community / researchers who have relevant scientific disciplines.
Published by publishers, scientific bodies, professional organizations, or institutions / universities and their units.
The language used is Standard Indonesian and / or English with abstracts in Indonesian.
Contains scientific papers from authors from at least 2 different institutions.
Has an editorial board consisting of experts in their fields and coming from at least 2 different institutions.

2. Accredited National Journal
An accredited national journal is a periodical scientific publication that meets the criteria as a national journal and obtains accredited status from the Directorate General of Higher Education or the head of LIPI with the validity period of the relevant accreditation results.

3. International Journal
An international journal, a scientific periodical publication with the following criteria:
Published scientific works are written in accordance with the provisions and have met scientific principles and scientific ethics.
Have ISSN.
Written using the official languages ​​of the United Nations (English, French, Arabic, Russian and Chinese).
Has an online version issue.
Professionally managed.
The editorial board is an expert in its field and comes from at least 4 countries.
Scientific work published in a single issue (issue) was written by authors from various countries.
Contains scientific papers from several authors from various countries in each issue.

4. Reputable International Journal
Reputable international journals are periodical scientific publications that meet the criteria of international journals in item 3, with additional conditions indexed by reputable international databases (Scopus, Zambrut, Web of Science), and have an impact factor from ISI Web of Science (Thomson Reuters ), or Scimago Journal Rank (SJR), or have an impact factor (SJR) from SCImago Journal and Country Rank as low as Q3 (quartile three).